Japan Gov opens Financial Market Entry Office to attract foreign businesses

According to an official announcement made by the Financial Services Agency (“FSA”)  of Japan, the Japanese Government is committed to making its capital markets more attractive with strategic initiatives and to creating an environment that attracts foreign businesses and highly-skilled foreign professionals.

Japanese Yen

As a part of the initiatives, the Financial Services Agency (“FSA”) and Local Finance Bureaus (”LFBs”) established ”Financial Market Entry Office” (the ”Office”) on January 12, 2021 to handle all the regulatory process from pre-application consultation, registration, to supervision after the registration for newly entering asset management firms as a single point of contact with all the communications available in English.

The communications will be available in English and online by video conferences. The Office will also serve as a contact point for any inquiry on procedures under financial laws and regulations in connection with the establishment of a business base in Japan by all types of foreign financial business operators. The Office will take over the role of the Financial Market Entry Consultation Desk (business base establishment support in Japan).

Source/ More details: Financial Services Agency website
Edited by Topic News


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